Flickr – nikaa

Gyakran elhangzik a kérdés, hogyan kezdődött? Történetünk mesébe illő. Csodálatos érzés felfedezni az alkotás örömét. Velünk is így volt. Hanna csöppent bele először a fotográfia világába, aki akkor még tizenéves volt. Hamarosan Hajna is követte, és szinte azonnal megszületett  az a páros alkotó műhelymunka, ami azóta is tart. Éveken keresztül ez egy művészi munka volt kiállításokkal, publikációkkal, tanulmányokkal.
Ezek a tapasztalatok, élmények forrásai, táplálói a mostani, szolgáltatói munkánknak. A művészi érzékenység és igényesség innen ered.

A képek itt láthatóak:









k2 Laura_0436









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LightLikeMotion says:


„there is always a pure and simple yet deep beauty to be found here. I don’t know Nikaa, but if she is not a professional photographer she should be.
sit quietly with her work and soak it up if you have time.”


17th November, 2011
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Jajca says:


Én nem igazából szeretem a művészi képeket, mert (amint láthatod) inkább a természet áll közelebb hozzám. Viszont a képeidben annyi érzelmet, kisugárzást érzek, hogy nagyon megfogtak… minden elismerésem Neked! További szép képeket, jó fényeket kívánok!
Üdv.: Tibor”


26th March, 2010
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lelacika says:


„gyonyoru kepek, muveszi, erzekeny..
feludules korulnezni a galeriajan, es osztonozhet, milyen szintre lehet felemelekdni…
mindenkinek van mit tanulnia tole:)”


29th September, 2009
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LJ. says:


„Rare for me to write one of these. Unheard of when I’m not familiar with the artist. Then again, you aren’t inspired the way Nikaa inspires everyday are you? A wind of beauty ripples through this stream. Its tangible and can be felt the moment you open up the very first image. Its impossible to produce such imagery without each representing a part of oneself. That is what this stream is all about…a unity of a photographer and her soul.”


7th July, 2009
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B o t o n d says:


„You are a natural talent…”


3rd October, 2008
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Roger Keith Syd*Barrett says:


„Nikaa is a sweet and very sensitive person. I love his works. They seems go out from a old tales. Poetry and romanticism fusion very well. Thanks Gian.”


28th September, 2008

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  • anna☆morosini says:

    „she’s so soft.

    i can breath the air throu her works.
    i can feel the soft touch of the eyes she capture.
    i can feel the wormth of the movement she fix.

    i simply deeply love her mood.
    i simplyy deeply love her way.

    she’s amazing.”

    4th August, 2008


view profile!Just_In_Time! says:


„She is one of the most sensitive phhotographers here on flickr for me. She captures soulful feelings in her pictures, which are always pleasing for the heart and the eye.
I visit her photostream once a day – and do not get tired of it.
I think this says it all =)”

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kovacsi says:


„A wonderfully feminine and artistic approach can be found here. All her photos are dreamy and beautiful. This is an emotional stream, where we can find simple beauty and very creative manipulations too. Sometimes we are guided to the world of fairytales through her works.
nikaa’s works are always very classy, elegant and delicate. She is a truly artful representative of the woman dandy.
Thank you for sharing your sophisticated photo world, nikaa!”

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iamnotanumber8885 says:

„There is a delightful feeling in this stream, with reference points from many places including children’s stories, Shakespeare and philosophical thinking ancient and modern. With an awareness of metaphor, pictorial structure and narrative, this talented artist creates pictures which are short stories in themselves. In many ways, nikaa’s visual world is more enchanting than the real world, a visual world where oneness with nature is the norm, where dreams can be reality and where all romantic spirits can blossom and thrive.

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Jerimias Quadil says:


„Nikka’s photos are very inspirational to me. Her “fairy-theme” of the lady in the field, by a lake, in the shade with always partial covered face has a mystical and fairy-like side. Nikaa sensitivity to light and shadows and what should be revealed in a creative angle is amazing. Her photos are very intriguing and to me….mystical. Her photo style is…unique and mesmerizing! Nikaa’s future as an artistic photographer is beyond promising! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her!!!
~Jerimias Quadil~”

19th October, 2007

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Old_Pro says:


„There are obviously many thousands of images on flickr, and many good photographers. Once in a while, you will come across not only a good photographer, but an AMAZING photographer. Photography that touches the souls of people, exemplifies the inner souls of the people and scenes not just the superficial surface. I have known many famous photographers through my career as a pro photographer, and I can say without reservation there will be a day when Nikaa’s name will be on the list that contains the names of these photographers. Nikaa, keep your open mind, and follow your dream, you are amazing…Grumpy”

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TeresAdoraphy says:


„nikaa has a special talent to show the true beauty of the small things in life. we tend to lose sight of them.. but nikaa manages it to create images that bring them back to us. thank you!”


15th November, 2007
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rolli22 says:


„From the little I learned about you nikaa, I see a wonderful photographer, observer of the moment and a generous soul. Thanks for sharing your talent.”


13th November, 2007
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S o k r a t i s . . . says:


„She is a great photographer and my favorite one, a kind person and a gentle soul-as we Greeks say…. It’s my honour to exist near you..”

10th July, 2008
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The Yele says:


„Nikaa’s Art is an amazing Journey into a wonderful world of fantastic creatures.

I admire Nikaa’s compositions, I feel a poetical dimension,
looking at her photos I can fell a mesmerizing and enchanting atmosphere!
I really love her evocative, thoughtful and distinct Souls.

I highly recommend this Talented Artist



6th July, 2008
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M-J Turner says:


„I know a place, that’ll set you free from your woes;
Where fun-filled fantasies keep you on your toes;
Where worry and regret are things you forget;
And all of your darkest secret show”

keep on uncovering our passions and allowing us to dive into your imagination…..anything is possible!



22nd June, 2008
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Sana’aHabib Photography says:


„Nikaa…is a freshy photographer…has a simple and special point of view for life…she has her own style and always creating new concepts. I can see tht she’s is an ambitious person whom no one can stop her from elaborating and creating her own masterpieces:)…”


7th May, 2008
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ooriente says:


„When you enter the stream of nikaa, consider yourself lucky to encounter a infinite world of pure emotion lived by beautiful persons, woman in general. We see their dream in a foggy world where reality meets wonderful fantasy and where love truly exist. She explore different facets of human psyche like a woman Ingmar Bergman. Each day I am attracted to her site to discover a peaceful mindspace where you believe there is a place on earth where happiness means something !

Saying that means how she is an accomplished photographer of the soul… Fantastic stream !”


21st March, 2008
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*gumby says:


„Nikaa’s work is luminous, ethereal, thought-provoking and always, always absolutely stunning.
Rare is the person whose beauty and love of life radiates from inside and out…but Nikaa truly does.”


2nd March, 2008
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acastleblue says:


„I come to Nikaa to bask in the beautiful light that radiates from her imagery. Her photography finds the most subtle and sweet nuances in her subjects. Each picture here whispers it’s own unique truth with no wasted words or padding. She deals in the magic of the moment and leaves us blinking in amazement ~ sometimes/oftentimes not even realizing for long (long) moments that we’re holding our breath at the wonder before our eyes!”


9th February, 2008
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macskata says:


„Watching Nikaa’s photostream is like travelling on secret landscapes of the soul. A special experience. Her photos remind me how marvellous thing to exist in this world.”


8th February, 2008
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♥ Moa Maria says:


„nikaa is such a talented and creative photographer, I love her soft, dreamy and interesting shots. I’m always inspired to see how she plays with light and mist and processing. It’s such a joy to visit her stream.”


29th January, 2008
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le vent le cri says:


„Finnaly I can write testimonial to wonderful and talented photographer…
With her photos I feel special and unique…
Thanks God for this marvellous lady…”


16th January, 2008

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Håkan Dahlström says:

„nikaa is a great source of inspiration. Not only because of her great photography but also for her way of treating people good. I always find nice comments from nikaa in various groups and photos. Thanks for being here as my contact and friend.”

13th January, 2008


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